Hobby Cakes

When Zoe approached us about a cake for her dad’s birthday she had several themes in mind – ;,,,he’s keen on cricket, he loves golf, he’s a DIY enthusiast, his tools follow him everywhere’. This was also a very special birthday – a number with a zero in it – but he didn’t want too much attention to that! So here’s the finished cake – a vanilla number taking in his love of sport and DIY.


We love designing birthday cakes for kids. They can follow a particular trend, a TV programme or a film and we get just as much fun out of making them as seeing the look of joy and excitement on the children’s faces (and their parents faces, too!).

As you can see, this design is for a big fan of Timmy Time – a little lamb with a lot to learn. Happy 1st Baa’thday, Lawson!

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